
This app is not released!!! All screenshots shown are work-in-progress and for demonstrative purposes only. Any Author or Provider shown may not be in the final product, and I will *never* include works without the author’s request and permission.


Readform allows you to read serial fiction on the web in an e-book-like format. I’m currently writing the iOS app as a proof of concept.


If you’ve ever tried reading a book off a website, you should know exactly why:

  • Paragraphs are sectioned into blocks (and if you like that, yay for you— I certainly don’t).
  • Chapters are just long runs of scrollable text. Bump your trackpad or scroll wheel and whoops! Have fun finding your place again!
  • Colors are non-negotiable (-ish? — I’ll admit, browser plugins can fix some of this).
  • It’s easy to loose your place, and god-forbid you accidentally close your browser.
  • Trying to keep your place across multiple devices is its own special kind of hell.
  • Keeping up with multiple series is not just a pain, it’s virtually impossible.

I love reading fiction and there’s a ton of great stuff out there. A lot of it is written up and stuck on individual websites where anyone can come enjoy if only you’re willing to brave a reading format that’s extremely hostile to… well, readers.

I want to change that.


See Full Feature List


How is easy: I’m a software developer who loves fiction. Software + Love-of-Fiction = Readform!

However, I have neither the time or the resources to develop an entire platform, so I’m starting with an app first. This means I have to get the data directly from the source: websites.

How? By the power of— mwa ha ha —Regular Expressions

Yeah, I’m basically scraping websites and turning them into e-books. While this is an odd gray area, I have no intention of absconding with people’s hard earned work. I will only include works at the author’s request.

My hope is that by making Web Novels easy and pleasant to read, Readform will help authors attract more readers than ever, which should result in more financial support via Patreon, Book sales, etc. I know that I personally would never had read most web novels simple because it’s too much of a pain to read a book via a website.

How can I add my Book/Series?

Ask me.

I guarantee nothing, though. Sorry.

I have this fantasy that Readform will become popular. It’s also my nightmare. Cause on the one hand, I want people to use and love my app. On the other hand, it takes over a day’s worth of work to add a single series. And let me be clear, I’ve got a full-time job, a wife, and three young children. Also, I’m working on my own Web Novel (unreleased). I do not have a whole lot of time but I will make my best effort to add as much content as I can.